
The deal by Elle Kennedy review

The deal by Elle Kennedy is a perfect reminder for me as to why I rarely read romance books.

The Deal By Elle Kennedy Overview

The Deal by Elle Kennedy follows the story of Hannah Wells, a music major who is focused on her studies and healing from past traumas, and Garrett Graham, a popular hockey player with a reputation as a player. When Hannah needs help getting her crush’s attention and Garrett needs help with improving his grades to stay on the team, they strike a deal. Hannah will tutor Garrett so he can stay on the team, and Garrett will fake date Hannah so she can get her crush’s attention.

As they spend more time together, they develop a genuine connection that challenges their first impressions of one another. Along the way, they confront their own insecurities, navigate complex relationships, and find love unexpectedly.


Some important topics to address include the portrayal of characters, awkward moments, and the depiction of misogynistic or gender-based roles.

*Warning: This review contains spoilers*


First, let’s talk about the characters. Man, Garrett really got on my nerves. I mean, he was a total jerk, you know? Right from the start of the book, he kept bugging Hannah to tutor him. He just wouldn’t take no for an answer, like, seriously? Huge red flag right there. And it wasn’t just once or twice, oh no, it was multiple times (I lost count, maybe like 10 times). Then he pulls this lame move on Hannah, and unfortunately, she falls for it. Let’s talk about her character now.

Piggy backing on where I left this was the deal: they fake date so Grace can become more popular and have a chance at dating the guy she has a crush on, Justin. In exchange, Grace tutors Garret. Which I think is stupid in itself. Why would someone actually want to date somebody if they only care about their status? Keep in mind this is college, not high school, like they are acting like they’re in. (I don’t know, I didn’t go to college).

And another thing, I thought it was really crazy how Hannah bashed every girl that hooked up with the hockey players. But when she did it, it was okay?

“This is garrets tutor. You’re annoying me. We’re done In thirty minutes. I’m confident you can keep your pants zipped until then“

I really felt like she thought she was better than them because she didn’t fall for their “ charm” but in the end she did though didn’t she ? It was giving very pick me! Vibes.


Now onto the cringy moments in this book, and there are a lot.

First of the singing . Yes the singing Hannah apparently can sing. I’m not going to say any more about that, just leave it there.

Second the dialogue between the characters. It gives Wattpad, nobody talks like that.

Third when Hanna goes to confront garret she burst into the boys locker room where they are all naked…. Like that don’t seem a little weird to you?? Because if the roles were reversed…. Anyway.

Gender Roles

One of the moments I hated in the book was when Hannah felt like it was up to her to make a homemade meal for the team . Like what ? What was the reason ? Why was she playing wife?

  • When the characters are first introduced this is his thought process

“Skinny jeans cling to a round, perky ass that just screams “squeeze me,” and her v neck sweater hugs a seriously impressive rack”

The over sexualization is crazy.


The deal contains the following tropes: fake dating, miscommunication.

The last 100 pages wouldn’t have been needed if Hannah had stopped acting like a wounded puppy and had talked to Garrett. It was very annoying, but I get it, it’s for the plot. And then again Garret would NOT take no for an answer when she broke up with him. Am I the only one seeing these red flags?

What I Liked

Now let’s talk about the things I liked in this book. The character development. I thought it was nice how Garrett acted with Hanna when he found out she was a rape victim. He was a slightly different person than he was at the beginning of the book. Though still a little stubborn. Now Hannah… next question. Both characters’ story lines were very interesting. Garrett with his abusive dad & Hannah her traumatizing past. How they both navigated their issues throughout the book strengthening their relationship.

The Deal By Elle Kennedy

So to conclude in the deal by Elle Kennedy, There were a lot of things I disliked about this book and few things I liked. I don’t think I will read the next book in this series. Just the way the characters are written is not my cup of tea. I rated this book 3/5 stars

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  1. Tatiyana says:

    Is it spicy ??

    1. TamiasReadinglog says:

      Yes. Yes it is

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