Anna and the French kiss

Anna And The French Kiss Book Review

Book Title: Anna and the French kiss

Author : Stephanie Perkins

Is this book worth it?

Anna and the French kiss Overview

as provided by author:

Anna is happy in Atlanta. she has a loyal best friend and a crush on her coworker at the movie theater, who is just starting to return her affection. So shes less than thrilled when her father decides to send her to a boarding school in Paris for her senior year.

But despite not speaking a word of French, Anna meets tome cool new people, including the handsome Etienne st, clair, who quickly becomes, her best friend.

Unfortunately, he’s taken – and Anna might be too. will a year of romantic near misses end with the French kiss shes been waiting for?

What I Didn’t Like

  • The main character is very unlikeable. Her character is stupid. How have you been going to this school for a year and you don’t know French? like it’s not expected for you to be fluent but you should know common phrases. And then at the end shes following a conversation in french all the way through like shes fluent. Yeah right. She basically went there focusing her time on stealing someones boyfriend (we’ll get to that).
  • The dialogue was very cringy.
  • Etienne says Fo’ shiz and Anna acts like its the funniest thing shes ever heard.
  • And then we have Anna “I’m not like other girls”

“most girls laugh too hard at his jokes and find excuses to gently press his arm. to touch him. instead, I argue and roll my eyes and act indifferent.”

  • Anna knowing Etienne has a girlfriend &&&& her friend has a small crush on him decides to pursue him anyway. Please look at this quote from Etienne.

“I cheated on her every day. in my mind I thought of you in ways I shouldn’t have, again and again. she was nothing compared to you. I’ve never felt this way about anybody before-“

  • This book went on entirely too long. I really felt like the last hundred pages wouldn’t have been need if they just talked to each other . One thing I hate the most is miscommunication.

Things I Liked

while there are plenty of things that I hated about this book i did like the first 100 pages I was really enjoying the story before it went down hill.

I hated the main characters Anna and Etienne but i did like side characters like Meredith, Josh and rashmi.

Anna And The French Kiss Conclusion

Overall I don’t think this book was for me. The romance was unappealing. I don’t think it was sweet or cute at all. Anna and eitennes relationship is not one I see lasting. I mean she literally took another girls boyfriend. What’s to say he will be loyal to you?

The beginning of Anna and the french kiss started at a good pace and then from the middle on it was very slow. Almost 400 pages of miscommunication and stupidity.

Anna and the French kiss wasn’t the book for me but I do feel like young adults would enjoy this. but all in all my rating for this book is 3/5 stars.

Book Information

Genre: Young adult romance, YA, romance

publish date: December 2, 2010

page count: 372

available: Amazon

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