book club questions
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27 Book club questions

welcome to my list of 27 thought-provoking book club questions! whether you are in a book club or just like to answer book questions for fun, these questions where created to enhance your reading experience and provide a deeper meaning of any book.

book clubs offer a chance for readers to understand different perspectives. and discover new layers of meaning to the stories you read. these book club questions cover a large spectrum of themes, character analyses,plot development and personal reflection. read below for questions that will keep readers engaged in fun book discussion!

book club questions

27 book club questions

  1. Which character would you say you’re most like?
  2. Which character are you least like?
  3. Out of everyone in said group club who do you thing is more like the main protagonists and why?
  4. Who do you think is most like the antagonist and why?
  5. Whose powers would you rather have and why
  6. Whose power wouldn’t you want to have and why?
  7. Whose your least favorite character and why
  8. Whose character had the biggest character development?
  9. Whose character didn’t have any character development and why?
  10. What character traits do you most relate to?
  11. Are you more like the protagonist or least and why?
  12. Would you recommend this book to anyone?
  13. Can you relate to the characters situation?
  14. Which character do you feel the most empathy for?
  15. Do you think you would’ve made the same decisions as the protagonist?
  16. Would you like to see this book as a movie or show?
  17. Did you like the books ending? If no what would you change?
  18. What was the most shocking moment in this book to you and why?
  19. What song reminds you of this book and why?
  20. Would you read this book again?
  21. What was your favorite part in the book?
  22. What famous person would you cast as the main protagonist?
  23. Which character is the weakest?why?
  24. Which character is the strongest? Why?
  25. Is this book like any of the other books written by this author? Is it better or worse?
  26. What would make this book better?
  27. What is your favorite quote?


hopefully these 27 book club questions have inspired or will inspire a meaningful and thoughtful discussion within your book club. having a pleasant group discussion regarding your favorite book can be very satisfactory. you are able to understand others viewpoints and also learn from someone what you previously went over your head.

as you reflect on the questions and the conversations they sparked, remember that the biggest value of a book club lies between the connection you and other readers form while in discussion. I hope these book club questions enhance your reading debate/ club. happy discussing!

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